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Appreciates the differences in people

Emotional maturity is vital for success and happiness the ability to control your emotions and take full responsibility for your life

रिपोर्ट  - 

There may be times during life when it is appropriate to feel guilt, anger, resentment, fear, jealousy, disappointment, grief, insecure, blame and hundreds of other feelings due either to your belief system and values or the circumstances and people that life throws in your path. Some people have the ability to experiences these various emotions and then let them go quickly leaving no long term negative residual effects. Other’s, on the other hand seem to remain stuck in any one of these negative emotions, to their detriment, I might add. Emotional maturity is the ability to see life clearly. To deal in-what is. Not what can be or was. This doesn’t mean to imply that a person shouldn’t dream, hope, plan, set goals and have desire for a better future. It only means that life is lived in the present not the future. Any negative emotions in the present that are permitted more time or energy than they deserve, will tend to take their toll on some aspect of your life in the future.

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