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The structures of the limbic system seem to be responsible for our emotional life and how we form memories and they create a bridge between our thinking brain and our unconscious brain.Nadi shodhan pranayama controls the nervous system. When nervous system becomes relate then body gives positive response and we balance emotionally as well as physically. It shows that deep breathing exercise provides the total relaxation of the body and mind.

रिपोर्ट  - 

The structures of the limbic system seem to be responsible for our emotional life and how we form memories and they create a bridge between our thinking brain and our unconscious brain.Nadi shodhan pranayama controls the nervous system. When nervous system becomes relate then body gives positive response and we balance emotionally as well as physically. It shows that deep breathing exercise provides the total relaxation of the body and mind. It also decreases the heart attack rate and the muscles get relax and regulates the brain functions. Regular practice of breathing exercise makes mind prepared to enjoy the peacefulness, the presence of god and to help focus on the life force to our body.


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